FakeHub – $17.45 for 30 days

Why spend $24.95 for 30 days of access at FakeHub when you can join for less than $10 right here at $10 Buck Porn! With our discount you save $15 which lowers the cost of a 30 day account to only $9.95. Included with your membership is full access to all 6 sites which make up this brand new network. To get this deal simply use this link when you subscribe to FakeHub.

Update: The price of a FakeHub membership has been raised from $9.95 to $17.45 going forward. You can still however purchase a 6 month membership and gain access to the site for as low as $12.83/month.

She’s New – $14.87 for 30 days

Presently there are 2 seriously cheap membership plans available for new members of She’s New. The first is a deal on a monthly membership which reduces the access fee from $29.87 to only $14.87. The second plan is even cheaper at only $7.98 per month but in order to receive this price you must join for a year upfront. To subscribe to She’s New for less than $10 dollars you have to use this link in order to see these two membership plans.

Kelly Madison – $9.95 for 30 days

The official site of busty blonde porn star Kelly Madison is regularly priced at $29.95 per month but with our discount you save $20.00 instantly which lowers the price to just $9.95. If you would prefer to pay even less there is a 3-day membership plan available for just $8.95. This short membership option allows you full access to her site for an entire 72 hours. To join Kelly Madison for cheap you have to use this link.

Porn Fidelity – $9.95 for 30 days

Porn Fidelity is currently offering a 1-month membership for only $9.95 for 30 days. This plan however does renew at $29.95 thereafter. In addition to being able to access every video release at Porn Fidelity, your membership comes with full access to both Teen Fidelity and Kelly Madision. This plan is available to be purchased at Porn Fidelity when you use this link to subscribe to the site.

Teens Do Porn – $14.87 for 30 days

A membership at Teens Do Porn would normally run you $29.87/month but with our 51% special offer the price is lowered to just $14.87/month. There is also a 1 year unlimited pass membership available to purchase for just $95.87 total. With this plan you save 66% which lowers the monthly fee to just $7.98 per month on average. To join Teens Do Porn for only $14.87/month or less you have to use this link.

Teen Fidelity – $8.95 for 3 days

A membership at Teen Fidelity is normally listed at $29.95/month but if you select a 3- day full-access trial membership you pay just $8.95 for 72 hours of unrestricted access to the site. This membership also includes free access to Porn Fidelity and Kelly Madision. For only $1.00 more, you can join for an entire month instead which is $20.00 off the regular price. Both of these membership plans are the cheapest available for full access. To join Teen Fidelity for less than $10.00 you have to use this link.

Teen Pies – $14.87 for 30 days

With 37 exclusive creampie porn videos and free network site access included, a membership at Teen Pies is a significant value at the standard monthly price of $28.97. With our discount however the price is lowered to less than $15. For just $14.87/month you can gain full access to Teen Pies and 20 additional sites! To join Teen Pies for cheap you have to use this link.

BFFs – $14.87 for 30 days

Our deal on a monthly membership at BFFs features one of the cheapest membership prices ever offered for access to a hardcore porn site. With a month to month membership plan you are charged only $14.87 per month however with a yearlong account you pay $95.87 total which is just $7.98 per month. You read that right, you can join BFFs for as little as $8 per month. Now that is cheap! To get this deal you have to use this link otherwise you will not see the correct prices listed.

Punish Teens – $14.87 for 30 days

A monthly membership at Punish Teens is normally priced at $18/month but with our discount you save 18% and pay just $14.87/month going forward. The only better deal than this is a 1 year membership for $95.87 total. With this plan you save 66% and pay the equivalent of only $7.98/month. To join Punish Teens for less than $15 you have to use this link.

Exxxtra Small – $14.87 for 30 days

Exxxtra Small, a hardcore porn site featuring petite porn stars, is normally priced at $28.97/month however our discount drastically reduces the cost of membership to only $14.87/month. There is also a 1 year pass available for only $95.87 total which is just $7.98/month. To join Exxxtra Small for less than $15 a month you have to use this link.